S4 E1: Smile, Dial & Make a Pile!

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"description": "Learn how Sheila meets with potential clients every day and is on track for her goal of 50 transactions this year.",
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Meet Sheila Doyle from Chicago, IL. Sheila meets with Sellers at 3pm or 5pm and enjoys a life after work each day. Learn all of her secrets shared here. She is on track for 2018 goal of 50 transactions for 2018 with a projected income of $250k.
Ren Jones (00:02):
It’s that time. Welcome to Roadmap, how to take three listings a week until you’re ready for more. Each week, we interview a great agent who is consistently taking 2, 3, 4 listings a week. We have an exciting guest today. We encourage you to take notes and apply as much of their knowledge as quickly as you can and then use the copycat principle. If you’re watching on Vulcan7 or the Lead Gen Facebook group, you’ll have an opportunity to ask questions during the broadcast. Let me introduce my co-host from San Diego, Carley Hathaway. That’s carleyhathaway.com. Hi, Carley. How’s the real estate business?
Carley hathaway (00:46):
Hi, Ren. Hi, everybody. As always, real estate’s great. Property is moving super, super quickly, so it’s a good time to be in the industry.
Ren Jones (00:55):
Good, and your price point’s high.
Carley hathaway (00:57):
Yes, high price points.
Ren Jones (00:59):
Knock them dead. Before I introduce our guest today, I want to remind everyone we are simulcasting the show on the private Lead Gen group on Facebook. They have 51,000 members, so we have a large audience there today as well. And we’ll be pausing for a commercial message during the show as a thank you to the Lead Gen folks. Let’s welcome our guest today from the North Shore suburbs of Chicago and including Chicago, Sheila Doyle. Welcome, Sheila. Welcome to the show.
Sheila Doyle (01:30):
Thanks for having me, Ren and Carley.
Ren Jones (01:33):
Carley hathaway (01:33):
Yeah, Sheila, we’re so happy to have you.
Ren Jones (01:36):
Yes. You don’t hear the applause because they’re all on mute, but they will be explosive. We encourage everybody to type those questions in early, so we’re ready to go when we hit that time. Wonderful. Well, we’re hoping to learn a few things from you, and then to help people that are watching that are taking one or two listings a month to get to four or five or six or eight. And anything you can share, we’re very grateful.
Sheila Doyle (02:02):
Ren Jones (02:02):
Good. So what’s the best way for them to reach you? You’re Baird and Warner in Evanston, right? Is that right?
Sheila Doyle (02:09):
Baird and Warner in Evanston, Illinois. And the best way to reach me is a couple of different ways. My cell phone is (847) 962-2686.
Ren Jones (02:21):
Sheila Doyle (02:24):
My email is sheila.doyle@bairdwarner.com.
Ren Jones (02:27):
Sheila Doyle (02:30):
And that’s S-H-E-I-L-A, dot Doyle, D-O-Y-L-E, at Baird, B-A-I-R-D, Warner, W-A-R-N-E-R, dot com. Or visit my website www.sheiladoyle.com.
Ren Jones (02:49):
Okay. That’s real easy. So you’ve got that one. You have sheiladoyle.com. That is fantastic.
Sheila Doyle (02:52):
I do.
Carley hathaway (02:52):
I like that.
Ren Jones (02:54):
That’s great. Good. So go there and learn all about what she’s doing and send her some business. Thank you.
Carley hathaway (03:03):
So Sheila, what is your goal for this year?
Sheila Doyle (03:06):
My goal for this year is 50 transactions.
Ren Jones (03:11):
Okay, great.
Carley hathaway (03:13):
And are you on track?
Sheila Doyle (03:14):
Yes. As a matter of fact.
Carley hathaway (03:16):
Ren Jones (03:18):
That’s a pretty good income up in your area.
Sheila Doyle (03:20):
Oh yeah. That’s going to represent about 250,000 in income.
Ren Jones (03:28):
Carley hathaway (03:28):
Ren Jones (03:30):
Perfect. Good. That’s a good living.
Carley hathaway (03:30):
Can’t complain about that.
Ren Jones (03:30):
That’s a good living.
Carley hathaway (03:34):
Ren Jones (03:34):
Fantastic. So what’s a morning look like for you?
Sheila Doyle (03:38):
Morning looks like waking up at 05:00, talking to my accountability partner from my mastermind group every morning. And then role play usually at 07:30 or 08:00. On the phones at eight o’clock, calling expired FSBOs, PCCOI, past clients, center of influence, of course. And then the afternoon is some lead follow up, some admin and on appointments.
Ren Jones (04:13):
Carley hathaway (04:14):
Nice. I feel like we’ve heard from a lot of top agents like yourself that they’re waking up at 05:00 in the morning, 05:30 in the morning. How important is that for you?
Sheila Doyle (04:25):
It’s extremely important.
Carley hathaway (04:26):
Why don’t you sleep in?
Sheila Doyle (04:28):
Well, a big part of that is to keep that consistency every day because I begin my integrity right then and there. If I wake up at the same time every day, I’m doing what I committed to do. And that gets me to the office on time, it gets me on my role play calls on time, and just keeps me focused on my goals.
Ren Jones (04:52):
And there’s not a lot of distractions at 06:00 and 07:00 AM.
Sheila Doyle (04:56):
Pardon me?
Ren Jones (04:57):
Not many distractions at 06:00 and 07:00 AM.
Sheila Doyle (04:59):
No, not at all.
Carley hathaway (05:02):
Good. Good.
Ren Jones (05:03):
Carley hathaway (05:03):
So you do role play every single day, Monday through Friday?
Sheila Doyle (05:08):
Every single day. And some days I get two role play partners.
Carley hathaway (05:11):
Okay. And what’s kind of on the top of your list to role-play? Like you obviously have the expired leads script down. Are you working on objections?
Sheila Doyle (05:20):
The most important thing to role-play I think right now, and especially after going to the Mike Ferry retreat that I was in, in July, is the listing presentation. That is critical.
Carley hathaway (05:40):
Ren Jones (05:40):
What’s your batting average on that? You go on 10. How many do you take?
Sheila Doyle (05:41):
Well, I’m at 75%. I use that Numbers Analyzer religiously.
Ren Jones (05:45):
Gotcha. Okay.
Carley hathaway (05:46):
Very helpful. So you’re talking about the Mike Ferry retreat, I’m guessing you have a Mike Ferry coach?
Sheila Doyle (05:51):
Oh yes. Vicki Clark Jennings. Fabulous.
Carley hathaway (05:54):
Oh, nice, nice. And you find that very helpful?
Sheila Doyle (05:58):
Oh my gosh. I probably wouldn’t be in real estate without it. Seriously.
Ren Jones (06:03):
A lot of people say that they’re in different coaching programs, and they say that that’s what drives the business for them.
Sheila Doyle (06:10):
Oh my gosh, yes. I was lucky enough to get involved in it. I got into real estate in 2003 full-time. And 2004, I went to my first Mike Ferry retreat and signed up then. And I’ve been in it ever since.
Ren Jones (06:28):
Oh my goodness.
Sheila Doyle (06:29):
Bad times during the market and did very well with it.
Carley hathaway (06:33):
Ren Jones (06:34):
Yeah, because the market keeps changing on people. The moment we’re sure it’s going to be like this for a while, it changes.
Sheila Doyle (06:42):
Oh yeah. Well, the interesting thing is, now I’m starting to see signs of what it was like in 2008 and 2009.
Ren Jones (06:51):
Sheila Doyle (06:52):
Starting to slow up a little bit.
Ren Jones (06:54):
Well, I’ve heard this said that some of the best agents make the most money in a little bit of an off market.
Sheila Doyle (07:03):
Oh, I did. I did really well because of the training, and just moving forward, not letting the market affect my results.
Ren Jones (07:13):
Is it easier to get a listing in a slower market?
Sheila Doyle (07:16):
Ren Jones (07:18):
Carley hathaway (07:18):
Why do you think that is, just less competition?
Sheila Doyle (07:21):
I think that they really need us. And I think the agents who rely on simply putting a sign in the ground and having it sell get out of the business when it starts to soften. They don’t know what to do.
Carley hathaway (07:32):
Right. Gotcha.
Ren Jones (07:35):
Right. So really, in a way, if the market goes down a little bit, your business is going to go up.
Sheila Doyle (07:40):
Ren Jones (07:42):
Well that’s something to look forward to. The for sale by owners are not selling themselves when that happens.
Sheila Doyle (07:49):
That’s right.
Ren Jones (07:50):
They’re looking for a strong agent to get the job done, somebody that knows what they’re doing and then you walk in and then, poof.
Sheila Doyle (07:58):
Well, and expired are a lot easier in this market because they’ve been on the market and they know what it’s like to sit there and not get any showings and not get any offers. And once they expire and I step in, they can see how they should have been treated in the first place.
Carley hathaway (08:18):
Yeah, definitely. So you were saying you start, going back to expireds, you start at 08:00 AM on your calls. Do you start with expireds? Do you start with past clients? What’s your routine?
Sheila Doyle (08:28):
My routine is, normally I start with expired because I want to catch them early enough. And then I go to my past clients, center of influence.
Carley hathaway (08:39):
Sheila Doyle (08:39):
And I prospect until 11:30.
Ren Jones (08:42):
Sheila Doyle (08:43):
Have lunch. After lunch, I’m doing some admin, lead follow up. And then I try to go on the appointments at 03:00 and at 05:00. Now tonight I have a seven o’clock. That was the only time they could meet. So I do make accommodations for that.
Ren Jones (09:03):
Yeah, I need to hang onto to that thought because, 03:00 and 05:00, and I did 04:00 and 06:00. Because it’s a key point, what she’s doing with the three o’clock and the five o’clock. You want to explain your thoughts. I have my own thoughts on why I do that?
Sheila Doyle (09:18):
Right. I think it’s a mindset issue, Ren, because what happens is, if you put in your schedule listing appointment at 03:00 and listing appointment at 05:00, you’re going to fill those slots.
Ren Jones (09:31):
I know you are. And remind the agents out here what the benefit of that is versus a seven o’clock and a 06:30 and an 08:30. Remind them about that benefit.
Sheila Doyle (09:42):
Well, one of the things is my energy level, for instance, if I do have to go on an appointment at seven o’clock at night, I really have to watch my energy. When you’re going on a 03:00 and at 05:00, you are raring to go, your energy level is high, at least mine is. And so it just helps in giving a great presentation.
Ren Jones (10:10):
And with Chicago traffic and everything else you’re dealing with there. That’s got to be a huge benefit.
Sheila Doyle (10:16):
Oh yeah. Absolutely.
Ren Jones (10:19):
So you get in, and a lot of agents that are watching this are meeting people at night, 07:00, 07:30, eight o’clock, they’re on their backside, the homeowner has had dinner and the agent walks in and they get home at 09:00, 09:30 at night. And then getting up early and starting the day ain’t going to happen.
Sheila Doyle (10:40):
Right. In fact, one of my coaches, and I know you know her, Ren, Kathy Anderson, I used to coach with. And one of the things she said is, and Mike says this too, you’ve got to use common sense when booking these appointments. Now, try three times, try to get them to meet you during your time. If they can’t, for instance, tonight’s a good example, I’m meeting these people at seven o’clock. They both work. However, I’m going to take that listing.
Ren Jones (11:10):
I know you are.
Carley hathaway (11:12):
I was going to say, I bet you the seven o’clock that you have tonight, you pre-qualified it very well.
Sheila Doyle (11:16):
Yes. Very, very important.
Ren Jones (11:22):
Okay, so let’s role-play a piece of this. So you’re saying you want three o’clock or five o’clock. And I say, I don’t get home until 05:00. What do you say to me next?
Sheila Doyle (11:31):
Then I try to give them another day.
Ren Jones (11:34):
Sheila Doyle (11:34):
So for instance, if five o’clock today doesn’t work, can we do Thursday at five? And if that doesn’t work, then can we-
Ren Jones (11:43):
They start getting the idea. And they start getting the idea it’s three o’clock or five o’clock, depending on the day.
Sheila Doyle (11:50):
Right. Exactly.
Ren Jones (11:50):
And it occurs to them that maybe they could get home early.
Sheila Doyle (11:53):
There are times where someone just can’t do it. They both work and they can’t be there at any other time. Then I’ll give them the seven o’clock. But what I was saying before is Kathy Anderson says, try three times before you give in.
Ren Jones (12:08):
That’s amazing. I’m with you. I’ve rarely had anything outside of my times, but I would approach them three times till they would fit it in. They realized, well, heck, I get my teeth cleaned at 02:30. I can at least come home. I mean, they have that latitude.
Sheila Doyle (12:26):
Ren Jones (12:26):
You can go to your dentist all the time. They have that latitude. So it’s a big decision, like selling your home. And my experience is about 90%, 95% will fit into that model. And then you try to do your three o’clocks first, I imagine.
Sheila Doyle (12:44):
Carley hathaway (12:47):
Good. So obviously you’re calling a lot of expireds. Would you mind, I feel like we haven’t done this in a while, should we do a little role play?
Sheila Doyle (12:54):
Carley hathaway (12:55):
Would you mind? Okay, let’s do an expired and I’ll be the homeowner.
Sheila Doyle (12:59):
Okay. Ring, ring.
Carley hathaway (13:01):
Sheila Doyle (13:02):
Hello, I’m looking for Carley.
Carley hathaway (13:04):
Sheila Doyle (13:05):
Hi Carley. My name is Sheila Doyle. I’m calling with Baird and Warner. And I’m sure you’ve figured out that your home came up at our computer as an expired listing.
Carley hathaway (13:14):
Yeah. So frustrated. I’m just done. I’m done with the whole process.
Sheila Doyle (13:18):
Oh, I can imagine. I can appreciate that. And if you had sold this home, where were you planning on going?
Carley hathaway (13:27):
Honestly, we were just going to move down the street into a bigger home. But it’s just such an ordeal at this point. I don’t even know if it’s worth it.
Sheila Doyle (13:33):
Oh, so you wanted to move down the street to a bigger home?
Carley hathaway (13:38):
Yeah, we love the neighborhood. We just want more space.
Sheila Doyle (13:41):
more space in general?
Carley hathaway (13:43):
Sheila Doyle (13:44):
Oh, fantastic. And what do you think stopped your home from selling?
Carley hathaway (13:50):
The agent.
Sheila Doyle (13:51):
The agent. Ouch. And what did that agent do? And by the way, how did you happen to pick that last agent you listed with?
Carley hathaway (14:01):
It was my sister’s cousin’s husband.
Sheila Doyle (14:03):
It was your sister’s cousin’s husband?
Carley hathaway (14:06):
Sheila Doyle (14:06):
Wow. And what did they do that you liked best?
Carley hathaway (14:13):
Sheila Doyle (14:14):
Nothing? Ouch. What do you wish they had done, Carley? What did you hire them for?
Carley hathaway (14:19):
I mean, sell my home, right?
Sheila Doyle (14:21):
Of course. Sell your home. Well, I would like to apply for the job of selling your home. Are you familiar with the techniques that I use to sell homes?
Carley hathaway (14:32):
Sheila Doyle (14:33):
No? You’re kidding. What would be the best time to show you? I’m going to be in your area today at three o’clock or tomorrow at five, which works better for you?
Carley hathaway (14:46):
Like 07:45 at night is the best for me, to be honest.
Sheila Doyle (14:49):
Oh, 07:45. And would Friday at three o’clock work?
Carley hathaway (14:57):
Sheila Doyle (14:57):
03:00 or 05:00.
Carley hathaway (15:00):
I guess I could do Friday at 05:00. I could leave work a little early.
Sheila Doyle (15:03):
Wonderful. I’m going to put you in at Friday at 05:00. And before I come out, just so I’m better prepared, there’s more questions I need to ask you. Is that okay?
Carley hathaway (15:12):
Sheila Doyle (15:13):
Great. If what I say makes sense and you feel comfortable and confident that I can get the job done and sell your home, are you planning to list your home with me when I come out at 05:00 on Friday?
Carley hathaway (15:27):
I mean, if you can get me the price I want, yeah, I would. Sure.
Sheila Doyle (15:31):
Great. And so tell me, Carley, you were listed at 359, is that right?
Carley hathaway (15:39):
Sheila Doyle (15:41):
And who picked that price, you or the agent?
Carley hathaway (15:45):
I did.
Sheila Doyle (15:46):
You did? Okay. And if you had gotten a cash offer when you were on, let’s say for 340?
Carley hathaway (15:57):
Yeah, I would’ve moved forward on that. I would’ve would’ve gone for that. All cash, yeah.
Sheila Doyle (16:01):
You would’ve gone for that. Great.
Carley hathaway (16:03):
Sheila Doyle (16:03):
So what price won’t you go below?
Carley hathaway (16:08):
I don’t know. That’s a tough question. I can’t say.
Sheila Doyle (16:11):
And as a professional real estate agent, I study homes and prices every single day. Therefore, I assume you’ll list with me at a price that will cause your home to sell, correct?
Carley hathaway (16:23):
Sheila Doyle (16:25):
Great. Fantastic. And Carley, what do you owe on your property?
Carley hathaway (16:29):
I owe 150,000.
Sheila Doyle (16:30):
150,000. I’m going to make a note of that. I’m also going to bring you out a net selling sheet so you fully understand all the costs involved in selling. Did your previous agent do that for you?
Carley hathaway (16:43):
No, she didn’t. Honestly, it was kind of a mystery. I just felt like I was along for the ride. I didn’t know really what was going on.
Sheila Doyle (16:48):
Oh goodness.
Carley hathaway (16:48):
Sheila Doyle (16:50):
Yeah. That’s very, very important. You need to know that. And I actually bring it out when I see you on Friday. And then we utilize that tool again when we actually get an offer. Therefore, you’ll know your anticipated cost and your proceeds, more importantly, what you’re going to get out of the sale.
Carley hathaway (17:11):
That would be great. Honestly, that’d be really helpful.
Sheila Doyle (17:14):
Wonderful. And I’m going to drop by a packet of information. Will you take a few moments to review it before I come out? I’m going to have that at your door on Thursday at noon.
Carley hathaway (17:27):
Yeah, I’ll definitely check that out.
Sheila Doyle (17:28):
Fantastic. And do you have any questions before I come up?
Carley hathaway (17:34):
No, but to be honest, I’m really excited about this. I feel good about the whole situation. I’m really excited to meet you.
Sheila Doyle (17:39):
Oh, I’m so excited too as well. And I’ll see you at five o’clock on Friday. And when I drop that package off, please, if you have any questions, call me.
Carley hathaway (17:51):
I definitely will.
Sheila Doyle (17:51):
I’ll put all the information in there.
Carley hathaway (17:53):
Okay. Thank you so much.
Sheila Doyle (17:55):
Great. Thank you.
Ren Jones (17:56):
And notice, Sheila has all that in her head. She’s got it all in her head. She’s done it enough times. So it looks easy, folks, it looks easy. The mindset of making calls for three and a half hours, the mindset, the internalization of all that, it takes some time.
Carley hathaway (18:12):
She did not read off a script. She knew it all. She hasn’t internalized, so she didn’t have to think about what she had to say next. It was perfect. You stayed positive the whole time, which is so key.
Ren Jones (18:21):
And you can make a few hundred thousand dollars a year just getting it real simple. Are you working weekends or just Monday through Friday?
Sheila Doyle (18:28):
I am. I usually work on Saturday for a half a day.
Ren Jones (18:34):
Sheila Doyle (18:34):
And I help people role-play on Saturday, by the way.
Carley hathaway (18:37):
Oh, good.
Ren Jones (18:38):
All right. So we got some Q&A. We got some questions that are coming up.
Carley hathaway (18:42):
We have some good questions.
Ren Jones (18:44):
Yeah. So Amin Dahani wants to know when you don’t have an appointment at 03:00 or 05:00, what would you do during that time?
Sheila Doyle (18:51):
Oh, such a great question. Get back on the phone and keep prospecting.
Ren Jones (18:56):
All righty. Some people don’t like that P word.
Carley hathaway (18:59):
Ren Jones (19:00):
But you can take it to the bank. There’s the P word or there’s the other P word, poor.
Sheila Doyle (19:08):
Or as Kathy Anderson used to say, “Dial, smile and make a pile.”
Ren Jones (19:14):
Very good. I like that.
Carley hathaway (19:14):
I love that. I love that. Let me ask you real quick. When you are prospecting, do you have specific goals as far as, I want to make 30 contacts or I want to make listing appointments?
Sheila Doyle (19:24):
Absolutely. In using the Mike Ferry Numbers Analyzer, in order to reach my goals, I have to make at least 25 contacts a day.
Carley hathaway (19:34):
Perfect. Perfect.
Ren Jones (19:37):
Good, good, good, good.
Sheila Doyle (19:38):
A tip about that, when I can, is to make as many as I can at the beginning of the week to front load.
Carley hathaway (19:49):
Yeah, that’s a great idea. May as well.
Ren Jones (19:52):
Good deal. Yeah, just hit it strong on Monday. Gorey Coley wants to know, how long is your listing appointment? How much time are you spending? He asked if you’re sending a pre-listing package. And we know you are, from your script there. Go ahead.
Sheila Doyle (20:04):
If I follow the script, I am out of there in probably realistically 45 to 50 minutes. That’s paperwork signed and everything.
Ren Jones (20:14):
And that’s because you’re asking a lot of questions before you go in your pre-listing package, so therefore that time’s cut to a third.
Sheila Doyle (20:24):
Yep. Ready to go. And earlier this year, my coach challenged me, saying, “See how many listings you can get pre-signed. So when you drop that listing appointment off, or I’m sorry, listing package off, you want to get then the paperwork filled out.
Ren Jones (20:43):
Okay. So folks hear what she’s saying. She’s putting a contract in the pre-listing package with a place down at the bottom, yellow highlighted, a place to sign. And they come to you, come to the door and they go, “Here’s what you needed us to sign.” So is the price all filled in too? The price is filled in? How often does that happen to you?
Sheila Doyle (21:04):
Not often enough, but I’m going to keep going.
Carley hathaway (21:11):
I like it. Okay. Rebecca’s asking which scripts you’re using.
Sheila Doyle (21:14):
Mike Ferry. Absolutely. And you can download them whether or not you’re in coaching. They’re available.
Ren Jones (21:22):
Okay. So that’s available to the public. And then I had another question. He’s very impressed. He said everything’s awesome. He wanted to know how long it took you to get this good. How long did it take you to become an overnight sensation?
Sheila Doyle (21:38):
I’m still improving, Ren.
Ren Jones (21:42):
How do you handle an overnight-
Sheila Doyle (21:43):
It does take a lot of practice. It doesn’t come overnight. You really need to work on tonality. And as Carley mentioned earlier, internalizing the scripts. Very, very important.
Carley hathaway (21:57):
Ren Jones (21:58):
Unconscious competence. You probably don’t know what you’re going to say. And it just comes out.
Sheila Doyle (22:05):
Well, once you internalize the scripts, it’ll happen that way. And you’ll listen better.
Ren Jones (22:10):
Carley hathaway (22:11):
Yeah. Because you can focus on what they’re saying rather than on what you’re going to say next.
Sheila Doyle (22:15):
Exactly. And you have appropriate responses. For instance, if someone says, “I’m selling my parents’ house, they died.” You’re not going to say, “Wonderful.” You’re going to have an appropriate response to that.
Ren Jones (22:29):
You’ll be listening carefully, yes. So you’re in a listing appointment, this is one of Carley’s, and you walk in and she wants 450, and everything’s pointing to it being 400. What do you do if they won’t budge?
Sheila Doyle (22:47):
If they won’t budge? Well, again, use the objection handlers.
Ren Jones (22:51):
Sheila Doyle (22:52):
And say, “I have a real important question for you. You’re a smart person. You’ve seen these prices. And why do you feel your home is worth $50,000 more than your neighbors’?”
Ren Jones (23:14):
Well, we put so many things into it and we’re just not going to give it away. And if people want to make an offer, they can make an offer, Sheila.
Sheila Doyle (23:21):
Well, can I tell you the problem that presents for you?
Ren Jones (23:26):
Yeah. What’s that?
Sheila Doyle (23:29):
If it’s too high and no one comes, and you have no offers to negotiate at all, what good is that?
Ren Jones (23:39):
Well, I see your point. I know. But we want to just start out there. We can always come down later.
Sheila Doyle (23:45):
However, if you are hell bent on that price, we can list at that price. But in order to take your listing, I need your agreement that two weeks from now, if we don’t have any showings or very few showings and no offers, that you will agree to come to this price.
Ren Jones (24:15):
Okay. So you take them through a series of objection handlers. And would there ever be, and I’m sure it has to do with, do they have to move? Do they have to move quickly?
Sheila Doyle (24:23):
Always. It goes back to their motivation.
Ren Jones (24:25):
Yeah. Are they forced to move here, or do they have all the time in the world, is a big factor? But are there cases where you get up and leave? Are there cases where you get up and leave?
Sheila Doyle (24:36):
Yeah. Oh, I have. Absolutely. If someone’s being totally unreasonable. And see, this is a thing, if you pre-qualify every appointment, you’re not going to be on an appointment where they don’t have motivation. I would know that before I get there. That’s really important. In fact, I’ve never understood agents who are afraid to pre-qualify because they’re afraid of the answers they’re going to get. I think of it this way, I don’t want to spend time away from my husband with someone who has low motivation. It doesn’t make any sense.
Carley hathaway (25:12):
Ren Jones (25:13):
So how often? Is it once a week, twice a week, once a month? How often are you setting an appointment and then by the time you go through pre-qualifying, pull up comps one night where you choose not to go?
Sheila Doyle (25:34):
Very seldom. Because like I say, if you follow the steps and you understand their motivation, you’re going to go because you’re going to take the listing. But if I ask that question in the pre-qual, if what I say makes sense and you feel comfortable and confident, and they say, no, they’re not going to list with me. I’d say, may I ask why?
Ren Jones (26:02):
Okay. So why go out if they’re already leaning the wrong way?
Sheila Doyle (26:06):
Ren Jones (26:06):
Carley hathaway (26:11):
I like it. And I liked when you were saying earlier about tonality, how important that is. I really felt that when you were like, “$50,000 overpriced.” You said it perfectly. It sucks you right in, and you’re like, I guess that is kind of high.
Sheila Doyle (26:24):
You know, Carley, that’s such a good point. We walk such a fine line because we never want to be disrespectful of someone, but we also want to be able to confront in a respectful way.
Carley hathaway (26:39):
That’s a great way to phrase it. Confront in a respectful way. I love it.
Ren Jones (26:44):
Don Sheets from Westchester, Ohio wants to know. And this is a mindset piece, I think. Besides the financial benefit, how do you stay focused and ready to repeat the same routine each and every day? What do they call that, repetitious boredom?
Sheila Doyle (27:01):
Repetitious boredom. And so when you look, always have your goals in front of you. And be committed to those goals, whether it be travel, whether it be getting a new house or a new car, whatever it is, sending a niece or nephew or child to college. Whatever those goals are, you want those in front of you because that’s what gets me up every morning, and that’s what gets me in that prospecting seat. And I always think about something Tony Smith, I’m sure a lot of him, says, “If you’re not prospecting that day, you’re out of business.”
Ren Jones (27:43):
Hey, you are.
Carley hathaway (27:45):
Very true. Very true.
Ren Jones (27:45):
All mindset. And you’ve got the right mindset.
Sheila Doyle (27:45):
Indeed. It’s all mindset.
Ren Jones (27:49):
Derek Williams, “What is your conversion rate?” Now this is in your tracking number. In other words, how many people do you have to speak to in order to secure an appointment?
Sheila Doyle (28:02):
Well, right now, and I don’t have my Numbers Analyzer in front of me, but I do look at it a lot. And if I’m not mistaken, I talk to 84 people for every appointment.
Ren Jones (28:18):
Okay. 84.
Sheila Doyle (28:19):
So one thing to remember too, even if someone hangs up on you, you’re one step, you’re one call closer to a yes.
Carley hathaway (28:28):
Ren Jones (28:30):
So 84 people. What’s an average commission check?
Sheila Doyle (28:32):
Average commission check is 8,000.
Ren Jones (28:34):
Okay, so you’re saying, what is that, $10 for every person you talk to? Is that what it is?
Sheila Doyle (28:40):
Oh, it’s higher than that.
Ren Jones (28:43):
All right. So no, I guess that would be 840. No. So it’s a hundred dollars for every person you talk to.
Sheila Doyle (28:47):
Ren Jones (28:48):
When you talk to 84 people, you’re getting a hundred dollars for every conversation you have.
Sheila Doyle (28:53):
Ren Jones (28:54):
I like that. Sheila, that’s awesome. A hundred dollars a phone call. Who makes a hundred dollars for one conversation?
Carley hathaway (29:01):
I know.
Ren Jones (29:04):
I just have to put it in perspective like that. Shannon Hodges wants to know, do you want to be first? If they’re going to talk to two or three people? Do you want to be first or do you want to be last?
Sheila Doyle (29:17):
Honestly, and I don’t mean to sound arrogant when I say this, but it doesn’t matter for me. It seems like-
Ren Jones (29:26):
Oh, you’re that good?
Sheila Doyle (29:27):
Well, because I follow the script, at least where I’m at, very few people do what I do. I don’t know of anyone else that pre-qualifies the way I do. I don’t know anyone else that actually sends a pre-listing packet out. And so, I have been told by sellers that no one else did this. No one else shows them a net selling sheet.
Carley hathaway (29:52):
Ren Jones (29:53):
I know that. It’s surprising how few agents help them with the net sheet. It’s unbelievable. And they need that math. They need that. I mean, what are we being paid for, folks? What are we being paid for?
Sheila Doyle (30:05):
And it’s so beneficial. It’s for them. It’s not about me. One of my coaches used to say, when you leave an appointment, know everything about them and make sure they know very little about you. It’s not the Sheila Doyle show. It’s, how can I get your home sold?
Ren Jones (30:26):
And it’s a good thing you say it’s not the Sheila Doyle show. However, a lot of real estate agents, it is their show. And we have to make it about the seller.
Carley hathaway (30:37):
You go out the door.
Ren Jones (30:40):
And I’ll make it about them. This has been valuable. This has been huge. Sheila, I really appreciate this a whole lot.
Carley hathaway (30:47):
Ren Jones (30:47):
I’m glad you could be here. I have to read a couple. Pardon? Hold on, folks. I’m going to tell you Sheila’s number one secret. She hadn’t shared to yet, but I got to read this. If you’re watching on Vulcan7, you want to get involved with the Lead Gen Facebook group, who is watching this show, you can reach them at facebook.com/groups/gotobjections. They have 51,000 members. And I want to thank Aaron Wittenstein who runs that program. He’s a real give back guy. He runs a program called expiredmasteryelite.com. And finally, if you’re watching on Facebook and you’re not involved with Vulcan7, make sure to sign up at Vulcan7.com/leadgen for a special price.
And I promised Sheila’s secret. This is what she does. She stops at 11:30, and you think she’s probably doing her lead follow-up calls. She is. While she’s making her lead follow-up calls before she goes to lunch. She has some delicious Graeter’s Mint Chocolate Chip. It’s delicious. It’s the only one that helps you take listings. Any of the other flavors are for working with buyers. If you’re working listings, get the mint chocolate chip. If the house does not sell right away, dig a hole in the front yard bury it upside down and it will get sold. It’s the only one. Appreciate you being here, Sheila. Thank you.
Sheila Doyle (32:07):
Thank you.
Carley hathaway (32:10):
Sheila, thank you so much. I think we all have some amazing takeaways. I know I’m going to re-watch that role play at least five or six more times. It was great.
Sheila Doyle (32:18):
Thank you, Carley.
Ren Jones (32:18):
Some good thoughts here. I appreciate it.
Sheila Doyle (32:23):
Thanks, guys.
Ren Jones (32:23):
See everybody next week. And thank you.
Carley hathaway (32:25):
Thank you.
Ren Jones (32:26):
See everybody next week when we have another exciting guest. Thanks everybody. Have a great week. Prospect.