Here are the key features of the Vulcan7 CRM FOR REALTORS

CONTACTS PAGE: Because you’ll spend 90% of your time on the Contact Page, we’ve gone out of our way to make it clean, organized and simple to use. Here are some of the key features:
- Folders are organized to maximum efficiency. We have default, or existing folders that include up-to-date information for:
- Under my contacts, you have the ability to organize your folders to best suit your needs.
- When you click on a contact, the screen reveals all pertinent information relative to that contact: contact info (phone, email), property details, and whatever other details you would like to add.
- Vulcan7’s CRM makes it easy to import your own contacts into a new folder.
DIALER: The beauty of our Dialer is that you can make more calls and improve your efficiency compared to manually dialing your leads. Plus, you’ll have the option to call from your browser or your personal phone. Let’s review some of the features of Vulcan7’s Dialer:
1 You can access the dialer from your contacts page with the click of your mouse.
2 We give you the ability to call from your browser or your phone.
3 As soon as you begin the dial session, the prospect’s contact information displays on your screen so you can easily reference their information.
4 You can make notes as to your next steps, as well as record the outcome of that call.
5 In the Call History tab, you’ll be able to review all of your past dial sessions.

Vulcan7’s Neighborhood Search tool gives agents the ability to become the go-to agent in specific areas within each MLS. Our Neighborhood Search tab includes the following features:
You’ll find some great tips on neighborhood farming/circle prospecting in our blog post:
Circle Prospecting Requires the right Tools.

ADVANCED SEARCH: Among other features, our Advanced Search capability allows agents to search for properties based on:
- Specific zip codes.
- Price range.
- Expireds or FSBOs.
- Personal information.
- Location information.
- Residential property and/or MLS status.
- Lead source.
- Most contact activity performed through your CRM or dialer: # call attempts, appointments set, etc.
CALL HISTORY: Our Call History tab stores every call and interaction you have with prospects. You can review:
- 1On-going monthly summary that covers: dial sessions, calls, live answers and emails sent.
- 2Lifetime activity, which can be helpful to build future goals.
- 3Most recent dial sessions.
- 4Track your live calls and also talk time.
- 5The system can be set to send automatic emails tied to each call session.
- 6Review your call outcomes, and make adjustments (i.e. delete a phone number of contact).
Call History is critical to effective follow-up. You’ll find more tips on the importance of lead follow-up in this blog post:
Top producing agents understand how to leverage the value of real estate scripts to sound confident, and control the flow of each prospecting call. One of the reasons Vulcan7 is considered the Best Real Estate CRM is our focus on providing agents with the best scripts from top industry coaches, including
Proven scripts from top industry coaches, to assist you when calling expireds, FSBO, FRBO, past clients, just sold, just listed, small business and builders.

Check out our blog for more details working with real estate scripts:
Real Estate Scripts Drive More Revenue.

TEAM TAB: If running a team as part of your growing business, the Team Tab within Vulcan7’s CRM is a must-have. Here are the features that come with the My Team tab:
- Your Team CRM comes with two seats, but more can be purchased.
- Two team members can use the system at the same time.
- Your designated team admin can then track activity across the entire team: recent dials, outcomes, leads by source, etc.
- Team members can easily share information, such as scripts.
- My Team is an awesome accountability tool for growing business, because team leaders can easily track:
- Dial sessions across their team.
- Call outcomes.
- Leads by source.
As we noted above, there are many CRM platforms available to real estate agents.
But if you want to leverage the best CRM for real estate to drive your business, you’ve come to the right place.
Built by real estate agents for real estate agents, the Vulcan7 CRM is considered the best real estate CRM software in our industry.
Our best-in-class CRM platform is an essential element in Vulcan7’s overall lead generation system that includes the best:

Expireds represent a tremendous revenue opportunity for agents who have the opportunity to turn homeowner frustration into homeowner profits. And those profits begin with Vulcan7’s proven, and accurate expired leads.

Top-producing agents know that FSBO homeowners typically go-it-alone for a time before turning to a pro. With Vulcan7’s FSBO leads, you’ll put yourself in the position to be “that pro.”

Vulcan7’s For Rent by Owner leads connect you to investors who tend to buy and sell on a frequent basis, making them a potential source of on-going revenue.
The widespread popularity of Vulcan7’s CRM platform stems from the fact that it is highly functional, yet simple and intuitive to use. Here are a few reasons why so many top-producing agents turn to Vulcan7:
- Manage their leads in a simple, user-friendly platform.
- Our interface makes note-taking easy.
- Schedules all follow-up activities to maximize your efficiency.
- Customizes layouts and tags.
- Provides powerful advanced search capabilities.
- Allows agents to develop and deliver customized email messages.
- Simplifies the process for planning and delivering email campaigns.
- Coordinates broadcast campaign delivers.
- Facilitates intra-team communication by giving each member their own log-in access, thus improving overall team efficiency.
- Provides team management and admin control, with effective reporting protocols.
To maintain our status as the best CRM for real estate, Vulcan7 provides the best agent support in the industry. In addition to our on-going, and highly responsive support team, Vulcan7 offers other resources that help a CRM agent get the most out of their investment.


Why use a CRM in Real Estate?
Lead generation is the lifeblood of any successful real estate agent’s business. But real estate lead generation encompasses much more than simply making prospecting calls every day. Game-changing lead generation requires strong organizational skills to ensure optimum follow-up, and on-going engagement with prospects until the contract is signed... and through closing.
For most top producing agents, superior organization skills start with a real estate CRM.
CRM for real estate refers to practices, strategies, and technologies agents use to manage and analyze customer interactions through the customer lifecycle. The best real estate CRM software, like that included Vulcan7, consolidates customer information and documents into a single, streamlined database. Moreover, as we will discuss below, Vulcan7’s best crm for real estate includes unmatched technological tools that provides agents with a unique competitive advantage in their MLS.
Above we dispelled the common myths about using a CRM system. Let’s now turn our attention to the most potent benefits of using CRM for real estate:
Earn more
Surveys show top-earning agents spend up to 22 percent more on CRM than agents who earn $35,000 or less per year. Your ability to earn significant money in this business is tied to your ability to foster and maintain relationships, which leads to our next point...

Manage relationships
As your business grows (and it will!), a CRM system allows you to sort your contacts into groups- -past clients, referrals, investors– in order to send messages in a timely manner.

Be consistent
To capture repeat business (and referrals) you need to stay engaged with your database. The automation that comes with leading CRM platforms like Vulcan7, allows you to stay in touch with all of your contacts in a personal, and sustained way.

Maintain a competitive advantage
A high percentage of agents use some type of CRM system, which means you need to be a CRM agent to stay focused and competitive in your MLS.

The key to getting the most out of CRMS for realtors is to be disciplined. Be diligent about note-taking, and recording those notes. If you put in the effort to learn the CRM tool and use it daily, your CRM real estate will pay off in customer satisfaction and a full, vibrant, lucrative pipeline for future business.
Here’s the reality: a top CRM for real estate like Vulcan7 is the key to success for many of the top producing agents in our industry.
As with having a real estate coach, top agents look at CRMS for realtors as an investment in their long-term success, as opposed to an expense on their balance sheet. It’s much easier to cut expenses, especially if you are in a slow period.
But high-performing agents know that an investment in a CRM platform is an investment in their future.