S7 E12: Working “Now” business


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"name": "ROADMAP S7 E12: Working "Now" business",
"description": "In this episode, Vulcan7 CEO Ren Jones interviews real estate agents SUE WAHL & SUE MILLER, The Two Sues Comey Shephard, Cincinnati, OH.",
"thumbnailUrl": "http://www.vulcan7.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/maxresdefault-1.jpg",
"uploadDate": "2020-05-27",
"duration": "PT17M25S",
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Working “Now” Business

Meet Sue Wahl and Sue Miller, The Two Sues from Comey Shephard Real Estate in Cincinnati, OH. They have been in the real estate business for 26 years and have a goal for this year of 140 transactions. Everyday they each have a daily goal of 30 contacts. They call expireds, FSBO’s, and their database of 2500 contacts and reach out to top 10% of their database more often, and use Top Producer CRM. Calls to sphere start with questions about homeowner, then the Sues share market updates. They track calls, contacts, appointments against goals and know where business is coming from.