S8 E4: Best Practices for 1 sale a week

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"description": "Watch as Ren Jones, CEO of Vulcan7, interviews Marcellus Heath discussing the best prospecting practices that led him to average one sale a week.",
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Prospecting Practices Lead to 1 Sale a Week
Meet Real Estate Agent Marcellus Heath from Jacksonville, Florida. He got into the real estate business part-time and is now all of the sudden blowing it up by gaining traction with Vulcan7. Marcellus is in the early stages of something that is going to turn into an amazing career. Watch and learn how he is achieving 3 listings in one week through his mindset, routine, and schedule.
Carley (00:02):
And you’re right, like you said, do you know what’s happening in the market? People are making a ton of money right now and they want to know that their house is valuable, they love it.
Ren (00:11):
Marcellus (00:12):
And a lot of times what you get over the phone isn’t the reality, because once you get face to face with someone, the story totally changes and you’re able to actually build that rapport because they see a real person as opposed to over the phone. So with me just getting started in this business, my coach wants me to get in front of as many people as possible, so I can learn that as well.
Ren (00:51):
It’s that time. Welcome to Roadmap. How to take three listings a week until you’re ready for more. Each week we interview a great agent who is just blowing it up, and we’ve got an exciting guest today. Let me first introduce my co-host from San Diego, Carley Hathaway. That’s carleyhathaway.com. How you doing Carley? How’s the real estate business?
Carley (01:15):
Hi Ren, hi everybody. As we know, real estate is absolutely amazing right now, sellers market, so it’s the best time to be a listing agent. Loving it.
Ren (01:24):
Great, great. We have an exciting guest from Jacksonville, Florida today, Marcellus Heath. Marcellus Heath is all of a sudden blowing it up. For him, this is all very recent. He’d gotten into the business part-time and he all of a sudden got traction with Vulcan7 and he is just going like this, took three listings last week. We want to hear, he’s in the early stages of an amazing career, and we want to hear how he’s doing it, the mindset part, the routine, the schedule, the secret things. What’s he saying? How’s he doing it? What’s making all this happen? It’s exciting. Welcome Marcellus. Are you there?
Carley (02:00):
Hi Marcellus.
Marcellus (02:02):
Hey guys. How’s it going?
Carley (02:06):
Good, how are you? We are so excited to have you on today.
Marcellus (02:08):
I’m excited to be here. Thank you for having me.
Carley (02:11):
Good, good. So, hey, let’s just jump right into it. What is your goal this year?
Marcellus (02:17):
I’ve been really aggressive. My number that I am aiming to achieve is 45.
Ren (02:23):
Marcellus (02:24):
Might be a little aggressive right out the gate.
Ren (02:26):
So basically you’re right around one a week.
Marcellus (02:29):
That’s what I’m aiming for, yes.
Ren (02:31):
Good. So that’s the goal, is to try to do one a week, and mostly listings?
Marcellus (02:37):
Correct, yes.
Ren (02:38):
Okay, good. Which is buyers take time, listings take skill, so good. And I understand you took three listings last week.
Marcellus (02:46):
I did.
Carley (02:47):
Ren (02:49):
So break that down for us. What kind of mindset, routine, do you have a morning routine? What’s driving this early success? Because we’re going to be checking back with you in September, in October to see where you are.
Marcellus (03:08):
Well my morning routine basically starts off at 5:00 in the morning and I-
Ren (03:15):
Did you hear that folks? 5:00 in the morning.
Marcellus (03:18):
I start off basically just writing my scripts out, my listing presentation out, probably watching some videos in regards to cold calling and just trying to get in the right mindset and getting game ready for the day.
Carley (03:33):
Let’s go back for a second. You said you write out the listing presentation every morning?
Marcellus (03:39):
Every morning. My coach has me doing that for 30 days straight. So yeah, I write out my listing presentation every morning.
Carley (03:46):
That’s very powerful. How long does that take you, just that portion of it?
Marcellus (03:51):
About an hour 15 minutes.
Carley (03:53):
Okay. And do you feel stronger in your listing presentation for writing it out every day?
Marcellus (03:59):
I do feel. I mean, it helps me understand exactly where I’m trying to guide my clients or potential clients. So yeah, it gets me in the right mind frame. It also helps me with saying my scripts on a daily basis in regards to that, because some of the language that’s in the listing presentation is also in the scripts as well.
Carley (04:21):
Right. So you’re trying to internalize it so that when you say it, it comes out more naturally?
Marcellus (04:25):
Absolutely, yes ma’am.
Carley (04:26):
Okay, love it. And you said coach, so are you in a coaching system or who’s your coach? What’s your coaching situation?
Marcellus (04:35):
Mike Ferry Coaching. John Joseph is my coach.
Carley (04:38):
Oh nice. Nice.
Marcellus (04:39):
He got me every week, tries to keep me on track and focus on the right things.
Ren (04:44):
We’ve had a hundred and some people we’ve interviewed that are very, very successful and only two have not been in coaching. The ones that have been in coaching are the ones that seem to make all the money. So when you look at it, it’s sort of like coaching is free, isn’t it? You pay. What does something like that cost?
Marcellus (05:02):
Well, for the one-on-one coaching that I’m in, it’s 650 a month.
Ren (05:06):
650 a month. Okay. And that gives you individual coaching every week?
Marcellus (05:10):
Yes, once a week.
Ren (05:11):
Okay. So I have to believe that’s why you’re going to track to one listing, one sale a week this year or somewhere near it.
Marcellus (05:23):
Absolutely. It’s improved every week since I have had coaching. So my numbers are basically, we tracked them today in this morning session. In February, when I first started coaching, I was doing 340 contacts for every appointment, for every one appointment. In March 741 contacts to every listing. April, it was 298 contacts to one listing, and this month it’s 81 contacts to one listing.
Carley (06:00):
So you essentially cut your contacts in half to find the listings.
Ren (06:07):
His batting average has improved. I mean, he’s making the same contacts but he’s hitting home runs more often.
Carley (06:13):
Yes. Yeah.
Ren (06:14):
So where performance is measured, performance is gained. Marcellus, before you ever got in coaching, were you tracking numbers like this?
Marcellus (06:22):
Not at all, not at all.
Ren (06:23):
Okay. So you might be just in the wing it category. So I mean, now looking at before you track numbers to now you track numbers. I mean, help me understand, what do you see when you notice, when you look at the before and after?
Marcellus (06:39):
Well it puts everything in alignment and perspective. It helps you keep focused on the things that you’re supposed to concentrate on.
Ren (06:46):
Kind of like running it like a business, huh?
Marcellus (06:49):
Absolutely, because before I was just willy-nilly and just trying to figure things out. Now all the energy and most of the weight is put on my coach and he just basically just lets me know what I need to do this week in order to accomplish the goal. He basically gauges exactly what’s been going on with the numbers, what’s been going on with the scripts, how I’m saying things. Helps me, guide me in this particular week on how to focus on my calls and what I should focus on during the calls to be more efficient.
Ren (07:22):
Wonderful, wonderful.
Carley (07:23):
Yeah. So you use scripts always. Is that one of the reasons that has changed your numbers so much from having to get 340 contacts now down to 180 to get your listing appointment?
Marcellus (07:37):
I do use scripts always, but also I’ve also added role play, more role play. From Tuesday through Thursday I role play and I have five partners. So I do role play once on Tuesday, twice on Wednesday and once on Thursday as well.
Ren (08:01):
How long have you been doing this role play?
Marcellus (08:03):
Role play, basically since I started my coaching in February.
Ren (08:09):
Okay, so just in the last three or four months.
Marcellus (08:12):
Ren (08:13):
Prior to that and now, what do you see is the benefit of role play five times a week? What does that do for you? Or does it do anything noticeable yet?
Marcellus (08:25):
Well it keeps me in the right mindset, number one. Number two, it helps me anticipate the reactions that I’m getting from my tonalities and from what I’m saying. And it helps us also figure out exactly what most people are seeing in today’s marketplace.
Carley (08:44):
Right, because you’re only getting the same couple objections, right? So when you get that objection in a role play, you’re ready for it when you get it in real life.
Marcellus (08:52):
Absolutely. Absolutely. One particular week you might get certain objections, and then so that week you write those down and you focus on them and you say okay, how can I basically handle this objection the next time I get it? Because we know that that objection is definitely coming down the road because most people have been saying it. So I try to focus on one or two per week just so that I can get more comfortable with them, and it varies throughout the weeks as well. I have to go back and review certain ones as well because you forget as well, so you try…
Carley (09:28):
Yeah. And what we notice is that how we get better with our scripts, so do the sellers. They get better at telling us what to say to get us off the phone, right?
Marcellus (09:37):
Absolutely. Absolutely.
Carley (09:39):
Let’s get back to your morning routine. You wake up at 5:00 AM, you work the scripts, you write everything down, then what?
Marcellus (09:48):
Well, I write the scripts. After that, I’ll try to basically go through my coaching call recording, probably listen to my Mike Ferry recordings in regards to what I haven’t listened to in a couple days. Then just get ready for the day, come in for role play at 7:30 after I eat breakfast, and hit the phones at eight o’clock, go through the fresh FSBOs, fresh expireds. Then I’ll go through the last 10 days of those that didn’t pick up previously.
Carley (10:24):
That’s smart.
Marcellus (10:25):
That’ll take about an hour, an hour and a half. I’ll take a little bit of break and then try to come back and either do follow up or I’ll do some circle prospecting for another hour and a half to two hours, just depending on what my schedule’s like. Lately with things being so crazy and with it seems like I’ve had a windfall of activity in regards to listing presentations and appointments, it’s being kind of hectic. So my coach is basically trying to rein me back in and keeping my schedule tight. So I’ve been kind of willy-nilly the last few weeks in regards to losing traction on getting those numbers that I’d like to get on a daily basis.
Ren (11:09):
Well Marcellus, with that point, let me … Because here’s what a lot of agents that are where you are, they get going, they’re doing all these great things and they start taking, like you took three listings last week. And all of a sudden they take all these listings and then those things go under contract and these people are like, “I got to buy a house immediately.” And all of a sudden you’ve got three or four buyers and then you stop doing the things that got you all those listings, and then you work with these buyers, and then you have no inventory and everything’s closed and then you’re back down here in the trough again, you have to start all over. Are you avoiding that rollercoaster ride or are you headed towards the dip?
Marcellus (11:49):
Yeah, I’ve been falling into that trap. I’m trying to focus on listings. I’ve had buyers who have come to the marketplace that want me to show them homes, and I have a couple folks that I have. Actually, I had an email this morning of five houses that someone wants to see today and it’s kind of subconsciously in the back of my head, but my schedule is not to do that. But it’s hard not to at this point in the game because I’m mentally just not programmed not to respond to that type of request and with the-
Ren (12:26):
Okay, so you sell their house for 275. They want to go out and buy a $700,000 house, you just went under contract. They want to go out, and they want to go out. What are you going to do about that?
Marcellus (12:42):
And that’s the conundrum, because I’m supposed to go out and look at, she wants to look at $650,000 homes, and so-
Ren (12:50):
Oh, so I’m talking about a real story here.
Marcellus (12:54):
Very real.
Carley (12:55):
That would be hard.
Marcellus (12:57):
So let me ask you a question, because if you could choose somebody in your office that works with you to handles some of these buyers, would it be fair to say that whatever the split is, is negotiable, right?
Absolutely, yes.
Ren (13:12):
So couldn’t you, and so on a $600,000 house, what’s the commission on $600,000 house?
Marcellus (13:21):
Well we’re at 18.
Ren (13:23):
Marcellus (13:24):
Ren (13:25):
And are there that many to show them?
Marcellus (13:28):
There are not that many to show them.
Ren (13:30):
All right. So would it be fair to say you could find somebody that’s really polished in your office and say, “I’ll give you $5,000 if you’ll work this buyer and help them find a house. They have to pick out something immediately. They’re homeless, or they’re going to be homeless in six weeks.” Couldn’t you refer it and then you keep 13,000 and give them five, or you could keep 12 and give them six. But if they’re that hot and there’s so few homes to show, why would you give them that much? Wouldn’t you just give them a third of it?
Marcellus (14:05):
That makes sense, and that’s what I’m contemplating in my head. I’m trying to figure out, okay, what-
Ren (14:10):
But you got to get, set them up with the right person, somebody that’s really, really, really good.
Marcellus (14:15):
Exactly. Exactly. In that case-
Ren (14:18):
Or if you do it, then what happens is you make all the 18, but you lose …
Marcellus (14:22):
The potential business.
Ren (14:24):
You lose three listings you would’ve had.
Marcellus (14:26):
Right, right.
Ren (14:27):
You would lose your track, you lose your momentum.
Marcellus (14:30):
I’m losing my contacts.
Ren (14:32):
So you got to figure this out real quick.
Marcellus (14:35):
Right, right. So I’m losing my 34 contacts for the day if I don’t do those because-
Ren (14:41):
Yeah, or you lose the three listings you would’ve taken.
Marcellus (14:43):
Ren (14:44):
Because you’ve already taken three listings in the last few weeks. You lose the next three listings, which would be, let’s say it’s $35,000 just so you can have 100% of 18,000, but if you should keep 12. Even in a worst case, if you did it fifty-fifty, you’d get nine, they’d get nine, but you could keep getting three more listings. Because there are a lot of people who do it on fifty-fifty, but I bet you could get, I bet you could keep two thirds to three quarters of it.
Carley (15:14):
But you’re right, it’s a mental game because you see dollar signs and it’s like oh.
Ren (15:21):
Yeah, but here’s the thing, Carley. If he’s only working listings, he can do that Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and then on Saturday and Sunday those people can be taking the buyer around, working them all weekend. He can be off and then he is fresh for Monday morning and do his thing Monday through Friday. What do they say? I know the people you’re being coached by say buyers take time, listings take skill.
Marcellus (15:46):
Yes. Correct. Yeah. That’s what my coach always tells me. So he’s trying to have me focus on listings and appointments, and just having my mindset on that on a daily basis. After doing this for what, four months now I’m getting there. I’m a lot better than where I used to be at this point.
Ren (16:11):
I mean, are you excited? Because I mean, if you can make this happen, you’re talking about a lot of money. What did you do before this, before you ever got into real estate?
Marcellus (16:21):
Before real estate I used to work in the NBA for the Boston Celtics.
Carley (16:26):
Oh, that’s so cool.
Ren (16:27):
Marcellus (16:28):
Yes, really.
Carley (16:28):
That’s so cool.
Ren (16:29):
What did you do for them? That’s awesome.
Marcellus (16:32):
Community relations and player development.
Ren (16:34):
Carley (16:35):
So you have wonderful people skills.
Ren (16:38):
So if you look at this, I mean, whatever an income like that would be relative to what you can do in real estate, I would think even as exciting as that job is and all the wonderful skills that you bring from that, I imagine the income would be dramatically higher if let’s say you did 45 or 52 sales this year. I mean, what kind of money would you make if you hit your goal 45, what’s the income?
Marcellus (17:08):
45 would put me somewhere 250 to 300.
Ren (17:12):
Okay. Is that better than what you were doing?
Marcellus (17:17):
Much better than what I was doing.
Ren (17:21):
Okay. There we go. That would just be your first real full good year.
Carley (17:24):
Yeah, and we know his wife is a doctor so we want to try to make more money than her, right? We’re a little competitive.
Marcellus (17:31):
That’s the goal. That’s absolutely the goal.
Ren (17:33):
That’s it.
Marcellus (17:35):
Pretty competitive.
Ren (17:35):
There you go.
Carley (17:37):
You got to keep that competition going.
Ren (17:40):
The wealthy couple.
Carley (17:41):
Yeah. And how good would it feel the year that you make more than your wife? Yes.
Marcellus (17:45):
Well my goal is absolutely to get to a certain point to where I can give her the option to stay being a doctor or to kind of just lean back and not have to practice anymore. So that’s what I would love because she’s always stressed out.
Ren (18:02):
That could be fun.
Carley (18:02):
Wow, that’s a huge high.
Ren (18:04):
She could just kind of look after some, all the rental property you’re going to buy.
Marcellus (18:12):
I told her I was going to put her to work in real estate.
Ren (18:15):
There you go. Well, that’s one way.
Carley (18:18):
Are you going to make her be your TC?
Marcellus (18:19):
Yeah. That would be my idea, because she’s very analytical, because her undergrad is [inaudible 00:18:26].
Ren (18:25):
Marcellus, do not do that. May I tell you why?
Marcellus (18:30):
Why not?
Ren (18:31):
You guys will never be able to take a vacation.
Carley (18:36):
Oh, that’s true.
Ren (18:37):
Whenever I was coaching people and they were going to make their spouse like an administrative role. I’m like, you guys will never be able to take a vacation. So yeah, you don’t want to do that. You’re better off to have both of you as rainmakers making the money and not some clerical thing, because she’s making a whole bunch of money now doing what she’s doing, and she can take a vacation. Now if you make her an administrative role, her income goes down, her hours don’t, but she can’t go on vacation.
Marcellus (19:14):
Well yeah, I definitely want her with me on vacation.
Carley (19:16):
Ren (19:16):
Right, and you need an administrative person holding down the fort while you’re in the islands.
Marcellus (19:23):
Great point.
Carley (19:24):
We want to see both of you and your kids on a yacht and the TC at home is taking care of stuff.
Ren (19:30):
All right, let’s do a role play. So you’re doing some just listed, just sold.
Carley (19:34):
He doesn’t want to.
Ren (19:34):
You want to do one of those?
Marcellus (19:36):
Let’s do it. Let’s do it.
Carley (19:38):
Yay. Okay, we’re doing just listed.
Ren (19:39):
All right. So ring up Carley.
Marcellus (19:42):
Ring ring.
Carley (19:43):
Marcellus (19:45):
Hey Carly, this is Marcellus over here at Keller Williams Realty. How are you doing today?
Carley (19:49):
I’m good. What do you want?
Marcellus (19:52):
Hey, well that’s a great question. I was just calling, just to let you know about a property right next door to you over here on Lady Lake Drive that we just put under contract, $12,000 over list price.
Carley (20:05):
No. Okay. I did see that for sale sign. I was curious about that.
Marcellus (20:09):
Absolutely. Yes ma’am. We put it on the contract and we have multiple offers on it. We finally settle on one $12,000 over list price. So I was just calling you to see when do you guys plan on moving?
Carley (20:24):
I don’t see us moving anytime soon.
Marcellus (20:27):
I gotcha. So you haven’t had any plans on moving anytime soon.
Carley (20:31):
Marcellus (20:32):
Tell me this, how long have you guys lived here in the area?
Carley (20:35):
We’ve lived here six years and we actually bought it pretty cheap. So we bought it for like $100,000.
Marcellus (20:43):
Wow, $100,000, and you guys lived here for six years. So are you aware of what’s going on in the market right now?
Carley (20:51):
No. I mean, I know things are moving, but I don’t really know what my house is worth or anything.
Marcellus (20:58):
Gotcha. Well hey, that’s a fair point. You don’t know how much your house is worth. I’m going to be in the area servicing one of my other listings. On my way out I could just stop by and tell you and take a look and see if your home is the type of home that would sell for top dollar and possibly over top dollar in regards to this market. Do you have 15 minutes today?
Carley (21:24):
I mean, you’re already going to be in the neighborhood?
Marcellus (21:27):
I am going to be in the neighborhood.
Carley (21:30):
But I don’t want you to pressure sell me or anything.
Marcellus (21:33):
Oh no, it’s no pressure at all. I’m just providing a service for you because this is probably one of your most expensive investments, for most people that is anyway. So.
Carley (21:44):
Yeah. This is our life savings, for sure.
Marcellus (21:48):
Okay, well just to take 15 minutes of your time. I come by and check you out around four o’clock today or does 5:00 work better for you?
Carley (21:56):
Oh, 4:00 or 5:00. Can you bring me a Starbucks if we do 4:00?
Marcellus (22:04):
I’ll bring you a Krispy Kreme on top of that.
Carley (22:07):
Then yes, four o’clock would work perfectly.
Marcellus (22:10):
Well, I’m looking forward to seeing you today at 4:00.
Carley (22:13):
Okay, thank you.
Ren (22:14):
And sometimes it’s that easy, and they don’t tell you that they’re moving up front. People are kind of coy, they don’t volunteer it up front. You have to kind of work your way through.
Carley (22:26):
And you’re right, like you said, do you know what’s happening in the market? People are making a ton of money right now and they want to know that their house is valuable. They love it.
Ren (22:36):
Marcellus (22:36):
And a lot of times what you get over the phone isn’t the reality, because once you get face-to-face with someone the story totally changes and you’re able to actually build that rapport because they see a real person as opposed to over the phone. So with me just getting started in this business, my coach wants me to get in front of as many people as possible so I can learn that as well.
Ren (23:02):
Carley (23:03):
I love it. And then after you set the appointment, do you pre-qual them, do you send them a listing packet? What do you do after that? What’s the next step?
Marcellus (23:12):
Depending on what type of appointment it is. On this type of appointment, it just depends. Sometimes I’ll pre-qual them, but in regards to that type of appointment, just giving an evaluation of price. I will get there and find out a little bit more motivation. So the more time I waste, the more money I make at this point. The busier I start to get, I will do more pre-qualifying and the more that I learn on how to read potential leads, the more pre-qualifying I am expecting to do, so yes.
Ren (23:46):
This is all new and you’re embracing best practices. So I like the path you’re on. It’s very exciting.
Carley (23:53):
It’s very exciting. I’m so excited. Let me ask you this, can we start calling some NBA players and get them?
Marcellus (24:01):
Most of those guys change their numbers every other week though.
Carley (24:05):
Well, with Vulcan we can hunt them down.
Marcellus (24:08):
Well, that is true.
Ren (24:10):
So yeah, I mean, because you’re really just getting some traction, you don’t really have a database. I guess you’re starting a database. How many people do you have in the database?
Marcellus (24:20):
I have around 668 people in my database.
Carley (24:24):
That’s huge.
Ren (24:26):
I know you know them. Do they know you?
Marcellus (24:29):
I think around 350 of them know me.
Ren (24:33):
And what are the rest?
Marcellus (24:36):
The rest were just leads that I got through my systems throughout the last three, four years just from websites and things of that nature.
Ren (24:45):
Okay. So you’ve got a lot of, you’ve got to call the herd as they say.
Marcellus (24:50):
Ren (24:51):
You got work to do to figure out who the A’s and the B’s and the C’s are.
Marcellus (24:57):
Correct, yeah.
Ren (24:58):
Good, but it gives you something to work with and then you’ll get that to where you get that fine tune, and over the years, then that becomes a nice chunk of repeat business over time.
Marcellus (25:09):
Ren (25:09):
Good. So are you setting up systems now for how you stay in touch with those people?
Marcellus (25:14):
I am. Email once a month, and I’m also with my COI, which my coach had me put in, my closest sphere. So I’m calling them every other month on top of the-
Ren (25:33):
Okay, so the A, would call maybe the A people. How many people are your top people there where you would call them six times a year?
Marcellus (25:42):
I have about 150.
Ren (25:45):
150 people that might tend to send business your way if you stay in touch with them.
Marcellus (25:50):
Correct, because I’ve gotten maybe around at least 100 to 150 just from circle prospecting, their phone number and email addresses. So I’m staying in contact.
Ren (26:03):
Okay, so because they showed an interest and they had a nice conversation and they liked … So you felt like you could keep going with them. Good.
Marcellus (26:11):
Ren (26:12):
Perfect. Good, good, good. Perfect. I love it. This has been valuable information, and for a lot of people that are just a few months in, and they’re a lot of people that are just a few months in, and they would love to have taken three listings last week like you did and to where every month they have 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 listings that they’ve taken because that’s … I mean, and the big challenge for you is what are you going to do when all those listings sell and they all are screaming to go out and look at property. You’ve got to figure that out.
Marcellus (26:45):
I have to find a referral agent basically in my office.
Ren (26:48):
Or three.
Carley (26:51):
Ren (26:51):
At least one, maybe two. And you got to have a good one because if you refer them over and they bail on that person, so you got to get a good one.
Marcellus (27:02):
Ren (27:03):
Good. And then just list property.
Marcellus (27:06):
That’s my goal.
Ren (27:07):
Carley (27:08):
Very exciting.
Ren (27:10):
Anyway, I appreciate you being here and this has been wonderful and we’re so excited that you are here.
Carley (27:15):
Thank you so much for being here and we all want to send you all our Florida, Jacksonville referrals. So how can we get ahold of you?
Marcellus (27:23):
My cell phone number is area code (617) 852-5743. You can email me at marcellus@jaxbesthomes.com.
Ren (27:38):
Marcellus (27:40):
Or you can find me on Instagram as well and Facebook, Marcellus Heath.
Carley (27:45):
Marcellus Heath. I love it.
Ren (27:47):
Carley (27:47):
All right. We’re going to send you all the referrals, everyone moving to Florida, all those.
Ren (27:51):
Or just buy a second home. It’s warmer there.
Carley (27:54):
Yeah, buy a second home. Buy your vacation home with Marcellus.
Ren (27:57):
By the way, a lot of people are going to wonder. They’re going to wonder, they’re going to say Marcellus, he’s got a coach, he’s involved with our Take 52, which is a great place to go to learn a few basic things with Vulcan7 itself, and you’re off to the races. You’ve got a good discipline, but a lot of people don’t know Marcellus’ real secret. What he does, and nobody knows this, is he starts at 5:00 in the morning as you heard, and by the time he gets through the morning and he’s done his role play and his practice, and then he’s talking to all these people and he returns calls, and then he goes to the freezer and he gets out the delicious Graeter’s mint chocolate chip. This is the one you eat for listings. If any of the other ones, like if you’re working with buyers, that’s obviously Rocky Road. This is the one for listings. If your listing is slow to sell, dig a hole in the front yard and bury it upside down and the listing will sell just like that. Anyway, we appreciate everybody being here and we’ll see you next week with another exciting guest.
Marcellus (29:06):
Thanks for having me, guys.
Carley (29:07):
Bye everybody. Bye Marcellus.