Two women shaking hands, big smile

Developing Customer Loyalty

We often hear it’s easier to keep an existing client than develop a new one, and it’s for good reason.

But, particularly in a field as competitive as real estate, it’s crucial to develop a sense of loyalty to you among your client base so when they make referrals, you get the call.

While loyalty can certainly be developed organically, don’t leave things to chance. Take our tips for creating a rock-solid base of clients.

  • Appearance and attitude counts. Sure, what you are wearing should have no effect given your competence, but we all make snap judgements based on first appearances. Look sharp! A professional outfit coupled with your own confidence gives potential customers the impression they are with an agent they can trust.
  • Create a communications strategy.The way you choose to communicate will drive the success of every other strategy. So, take time to plan this so your clients won’t have the opportunity to forget about you. Tailor your communications to different methods preferred by your clients and customer: Do they prefer email-or text? Work on creative or useful messages you can share that keeps you in mind.
  • Tackle complaints head-on.It’s inevitable: No matter how efficient you may strive to me or how sensitive to client needs, the day comes when someone complains. First, let the customer tell you exactly what is wrong: Did you make a mistake? Do they think you did? Once that’s done, clarify their needs and then own your part in it. A quick and correct solution to a problem and assumption of responsibility goes a long way towards creating trust.
  • Develop relationships that last past the transaction. Nothing makes a customer jump ship faster than the feeling someone else cares about them and their needs more than you do. Work on personal relationships and send personal cards on birthdays and anniversaries. It’s the simplest and oldest trick in the book, but there’s a reason for it.
  • Don’t give another agent an opportunity. Leave no stone unturned when wooing customers. Remind your clients how much you value their business, not with empty thanks you but recommendations and useful information.If this level of customer service is new to you, work to be consistent so your clients know they can count on you are less likely to take a chance on a competitor.

 Remember, good service alone isn’t enough. Be proactive to develop top line customer service skills that will build loyalty and keep those sellers coming back. Consistently tending to your relationships will ensure there’s no such thing as past customers.

Doug Spak Author

Doug Spak has over four decades of experience as an advertising copywriter, agency creative director, blogger, and content creator. He joined Vulcan7 as a Content Specialist in 2016. In addition to ongoing website copy refreshes, Doug has produced over 300 blog posts while developing content for Vulcan7’s social media platforms.

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