people looking at floor plans

Closing Strategies that Work

We know the scenario: you’ve done the work to secure the listing presentation. You’ve put in the time to make sure your presentation looks great and covers the essentials. From what you can tell, the prospect seems engaged and interested in what you have to say.

Now, it’s time for the CLOSE!

For many agents, this step is a no-brainer. For others, it can be a huge hurdle, for one simple reason: we’re not always comfortable making “the ask.”

But the reality is, if you approach this process with a simple, proven strategy, the “ask” can almost take care of itself, or, at least, be much easier to make. In this post, we’ll cover a few of these critical strategies:

  • Pre-qualify your prospect: You can be the greatest, most engaging presenter on the planet, but if the person on the other side of the table (or Zoom call) does not have a need for your services at that moment, you’re not about to get a signature. You need to determine how motivated your prospect is before spending the time and energy on a listing presentation. That means you need to do your due-diligence and make sure you’ve thorough vetted your prospect. For a few pointers, check out our earlier post on PRE-QUALIFICATION.
  • Script your presentation: Your presentation is not just about selling, but about engaging your prospect with good, open-ended questions. You don’t want to overwhelm your prospect with myriad details and facts about your experience. Cover the basics, but make sure you are focused on their needs. But above all, know exactly what you’re going to say, because your script can help you feel more comfortable and confident. A focused, confident presentation will, in turn, give the prospect confidence that you are the ideal agent to help them achieve their goals… and dreams.
  • Be prepare for objections: With every presentation, you need to be prepared to close multiple times, meaning, you are likely to go through multiple rounds of objections. This is true whether you’re calling to get the meeting or you’ve gotten to the point where you are actually making the presentation. In either case, follow the same process for addressing those objections:
    • Mirror and play back you’ve heard-by repeating the prospect knows you’ve heard them.
    • Let them know you understand their concerns, which again reinforces that they’ve been heard.
    • Address the objective succinctly and clearly.
    • Get back to your close.
  • Remember that timing is everything: Yes, we all know the famous adage: “Always be closing.” Perhaps a more appropriate suggestion is to “always known when to close.” The point being, you don’t want to come on too strong, and try to close to soon. Being too aggressive can come across as if you’re only in this for yourself. Once all of the prospect’s objections have been heard and addressed, and you’ve built rapport, and shown you care about their goals, you might find that the “ask” will come naturally.

If you’re prepared and follow your presentation script, the closing process is likely to unfold in a way that is comfortable to both parties. So, go into your presentation enthusiastic and confident. And, above all, show the prospect you believe in yourself, which will make it much easier for them to believe in you.


Doug Spak Author

Doug Spak has over four decades of experience as an advertising copywriter, agency creative director, blogger, and content creator. He joined Vulcan7 as a Content Specialist in 2016. In addition to ongoing website copy refreshes, Doug has produced over 300 blog posts while developing content for Vulcan7’s social media platforms.

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