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Real Estate Lead Generation is About FOCUS

Humans (especially real estate agents) have never been busier.

In a typical day, you might be dealing with: closing details, new listing presentations, managing fragile egos and constant interruptions from texts, emails, and calls.

It’s easy to get distracted when you’re pulled in so many directions. You may not be clear about your priorities or could be one of those people who are reactive… trying to address every situation as it arises.

But one thing’s for certain: you need to have a commitment to PRODUCTION, or, more appropriately, REAL ESTATE LEAD GENERATION,  in order to ensure healthy revenue, and the lifestyle you dream of having for your family.

As such, the key to your success most likely rests in your ability to stay focused. Focus wins the day.

Having worked with the country’s top agents for many year, Vulcan 7 has identified five strategies to help you stay focused on what’s important:

1. Stick to a strict schedule.

Your schedule should be goal-focused, and structured the same way, every day. For example:

  • Creating a morning routine built around quiet time or meditation.
  • Setting aside a dedicated time for lead generation.
  • Building in time for the administrative details that can bog you down if left unchecked.
  • Adhering to a strict quitting time each day.

2. Be clear about your goals.

What motivates you?. Be clear about your goals and motivations, then move forward from that starting point. Stay focused on your numbers: how many calls you need to make to yield conversations that yield listing presentations.  Work with an accountability partner, someone who knows your goals and is responsible for keeping you on task.

3. Share your expectations

If you run a team, there should be no question about goals and expectations. The same holds true with your vendor partners-attorneys, escrow officers, inspectors-everyone should know how you want things handled during every transaction. Finally, your family needs to be clear about what you need from them to ensure your success. They need to know the time of day when you cannot be interrupted. Conversely, you need to stick to any promises you’ve made with regard to family time.

4. Mindset matters: you’re not selling real estate, but creating dreams

One of the reasons so few real estate agents actively prospect is that they’ve created a negative mindset about their work. They sometimes think less of themselves because they are in “sales.”  If that’s the case with you, FLIP THE NARRATIVE. You’re not selling something, you’re serving homeowners, helping them to realize their dreams, bring value to their lives.

5. Power down

Technology is a wonderful servant, but a terrible master. Take time every day to power everything down: no emails, no social media, no texting. Shut your phone off, as well as your computer. And, for certain, never engage in these types of attention-disrupting communications during the time when you should be hyper-focused on lead generation.

Our attention spans are under assault. When it’s time to focus, say, on lead generation, are you prepared to defend yourself against this assault? Use these strategies to limit distractions so you can stay focused on the things that matter most.

If you want to master real estate lead generation, visit VULCAN7 and learn how we can give you the tools necessary to take your prospecting game to another level.

Doug Spak Author

Doug Spak has over four decades of experience as an advertising copywriter, agency creative director, blogger, and content creator. He joined Vulcan7 as a Content Specialist in 2016. In addition to ongoing website copy refreshes, Doug has produced over 300 blog posts while developing content for Vulcan7’s social media platforms.

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