Prospecting Expired Listing Scripts

Expired for sale image

Regular readers of this blog know that we devote a lot of content to prospecting expired leads. These expired leads are with homeowners who’ve tried-and failed-to sell their property.  Perhaps it was priced poorly.  Or, maybe the agent didn’t do enough to market the property. Or, it’s possible they withdrew the property from the MLS…

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Creating the Perfect Expired Listing Letter

Expired listing letter

If you’re lucky enough to be a Vulcan 7 client, you’ll start each morning with the newest (and best) Expired and FSBO (For Sale by Owner) leads at your fingertips. We’ve written extensively about mastering the world of FSBO, including: FSBO Strategy: The Basics You Need to Know Five Tips for a Killer FSBO Information Packet But for today,…

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Success With Expired Listing Leads Begins January 1

expired listing leads

Regular readers of the Vulcan7 blog know we are dogged in our belief that prospecting expired listing leads is the surest way to success in our business. Here are three reasons why: You can assume they are motivated because they’ve already decided to sell their home They are likely not averse to working with a…

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How to Become a Successful Real Estate Agent

Real Estate Agent

INTRODUCTION This blog post was created for one of the following groups: You’re thinking of entering real estate as a new career. You are fairly new to real estate. You’re a real estate veteran but falling short of your expectations. Regardless of where you land, you likely want to understand HOW TO BECOME A SUCCESSFUL…

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How to Get Phone Numbers for Cold Calling

How to get phone numbers for cold calling

Today’s post discusses HOW TO GET PHONE NUMBERS FOR COLD CALLING. Regardless of how long you’ve been in the real estate business, the words cold call might be anxiety-producing. That might explain why the vast majority (90%+) of U.S. real estate agents DO NOT prospect for new business via the phone. These agents often rely…

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How To Find Real Estate Leads

How to find real estate leads

HOW TO FIND REAL ESTATE LEADS: OVERVIEW In the highly competitive real estate industry, finding quality leads is the lifeblood of any successful business. Whether you are a seasoned professional, or relatively new to real estate, a consistent funnel of leads is essential to grow your client base, and drive your revenue. However, with the…

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Building Rapport with Clients in Real Estate

Businessman smiling with glasses and arms crossed

One of the biggest challenges or any real estate agent is building rapport with a prospect. It’s estimated that, when engaging a prospect for the first time, a seller has between 10-15 seconds to make a good impression. Or, in other words, to build some initial rapport. What is rapport?  Rapport forms the foundation of…

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January 1: Best Expired Listing Day of the Year!


Last year, we posted a blog called ACTIVELY PURSUE BUSINESS, OR PASSIVELY WAIT, This blog spoke to the importance of active, consistent prospecting as the best avenue for success in real estate. As we stated in that post, real estate is a “contact sport,” and those who are able to make the most contacts will…

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Do Real Estate Cold Calling Scripts Work?

real estate lead generation scripts

Generally speaking, salespeople, regardless of the industry, do not like to make cold calls. Cold calls can be intimidating, and it’s not just about someone’s fear of rejection. The number one reason sellers fear cold calling is they don’t like to talk to strangers. Makes sense, right? Since we were little tykes, our parents always…

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How to Motivate Seller to Find Leads

Prospect computer key enter button

“You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make it drink.”  12th century proverb No matter how good you are at working REAL ESTATE SELLER LEADS, if you are dealing with a homeowner who is not a MOTIVATED SELLER, you’ll be wasting a lot of time and energy. Of course, as we’ll touch…

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Leverage Your Real Estate Sphere of Influence

Sphere water clouds

Most successful, prospecting-driven agents know the importance of building and maintaining their real estate sphere of influence (SOI). While your SOI may not represent the same level of immediacy or urgency as expired listings or even FSBOs, it does represent a solid foundation for future revenue opportunities. In the broadest sense, your SOI is comprised…

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Lead Generation: Your Key to Prospering in a Shift Economy

Male customer service with headset looking in notebook

You have to admit: it’s been quite a run! Real estate has gone through a period of nearly unimaginable growth over the past few years. When the pandemic hit in March 2020, the average price of a U.S. home was $375,000. Fueled by historic low interest rates and tightening inventory, the average price grew to…

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What To Include In an Expired Listing Packet

Clear image of house field cloudy sky

The most successful real estate agents understand the value of daily prospecting. And, as we’ve said countless times in this blog, most prospecting agents focus on expired listings as a huge source of potential revenue. But top agents also know that expireds represent a unique challenge. Having failed to sell, homeowners are likely frustrated. They…

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Consider Sending a Video Email to your Sphere

computer screen zoom call with woman in glasses

As we wind down 2021 and set our sites on the great year we’re going to have in 2022, we thought this would be a good time to remind you of the importance of staying connected to those in your sphere of influence (SOI). All top-producing agents understand the importance of nurturing their SOI. These…

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Top Producing Agents Do These 6 Things On a Regular Basis

Business woman with hero shadow

For November, we’re focused on the importance of accountability in building a successful real estate business. In this post, we look at personal accountability as part of the foundation of a production-focused mentality. One thing we know about high-performing real estate agents is that they tend to share a similar quality: they are obsessively PRODUCTION-FOCUSED!…

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These Tips Will Help You Maintain Your Perspective

Sun beam seen through hand

“If you can keep your head when all about you Are losing theirs and blaming it on you, If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you, But make allowance for their doubting too” This famous passage from Rudyard Kipling’s iconic poem “If” was the perfect way to capture our October theme on “mindset”…

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